Update on positive COVID-19 result in Campbellton

The following statement was released Friday by the Campbellton Tigers:

“The Tigers Organization would like to let you know that all Players and Staff that were identified as a close contact of the player that has contracted Covid-19, have all tested Negative in their 1st round of testing. All Players and Staff will continue to self-isolate with their 2nd test scheduled at the 10-day mark and follow the directives under Public Health.”

“L’Organisation des Tigres tient à vous informer que tous les joueurs et membres du personnel identifiés comme étant un contact étroit du joueur qui a contracté Covid-19 ont tous testé Négatif lors de leur premier tour de tests.

Tous les joueurs et le personnel continueront de s’auto-isoler avec leur 2e test céduler pour jour 10 et suivront les directives de Santé publique.”